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Twelve wishes I want for myself this new ’20 decade – 12 Days of Christmas

By January 6, 2020March 5th, 2023Journey

1. Develop and sustain a great mind and body energy. I want to obsess even more with becoming the best version of myself, the one that’s at a level 8 mood-wise. I wish I could push through, to build that stamina even if my body is not letting me do it. I want to work with my energy and allow my body to take a breather. I can’t allow to abuse it and fall back into bad habits.
2. Find a way to stop generating trash and live more sustainably just so I end feeling guilty for harming the planet with more pollution. I want to live in a clean environment.
3. Eat plant-based foods only. Eventually, I will stop eating animals because plants give as more nutrition as meat, and I feel this is also key to item #1.
4. A puppy. I am obsessed, okay?
5. Be a homeowner. Being a millennial is a curse I want to break.
6. Build a business that runs without me (most of the time).
7. Stay strong during tough times. I need to be prepared for the inevitable death of important family members.
8. Work my traumas with a therapist. I want to stop feeling ashamed or inadequate, I don’t want to compare to anyone else. It destroys me. I know enough to know that I am capable because I’ve done it before. The tricky part is continuing when things get harder, and with the right help, I can become incredibly powerful.
9. Be less of a hermit and experience life to the fullest. I love being at home, but I wish to be more in tune with nature and the outside.
10. Connect more deeply with family and friends.
11. Find the right medication for my mental health. Similar to point 8, I wish there was a magical pill that could switch my brain to a better mental state.
12. Continue to document my growth through film and photography.

What do you wish for this decade?

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