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Staying Consistent + Instagram Challenge [VIDEO]

By March 4, 2019March 5th, 2023Productivity

I get it because I’ve been there. I used to get stuck in that horrible loop of guilt for time “wasted” and blame myself for not using my potential, so I ended up procrastinating and literally failing at life.

I am the kind of person who loves to feel inspired by too many ideas running through her head. I’m a daydreamer. Yes, I literally can’t stop.

But now in my 30’s I’m learning how to get focused for a longer period of time than 5 minutes, and to control that monkey mind with its shiny object syndrome.

I wanted to find a way where I could calm all the overwhelm feel inspired but also get a lot of stuff done.

It wasn’t until I had to hit a new low to realize something gotta be done. It seems to be that way for a lot of people. But others seem to make it so easy, how do they get to be so successful?

The thing successful people have in common is that they are constantly showing up (even when they don’t feel motivated) because they incorporate habits into their lives that allow them to operate at maximum efficiency.

The Challenge

I wanted to experiment with my own process and make sense of the chaotic creative process so I created yet another 28-day challenge called #CommitToCreate.

The full challenge is live and free on Instagram which could help you develop and complete a passion project from nothing, develop a unique creative process and system that will intentionally make your mind and heart happy and gain clarity on what’s the best next step.

#committocreate on instagram 28-day challengeAt the end of the 28-day Challenge I was able to:

  • Organize all of my ideas,
  • understand my priorities,
  • have more realistic expectations on what I can do with my time, attention and energy.
  • actually do the hard work,
  • launch a new youtube channel, and,
  • improve thanks to the feedback I received

Staying Consistent

Now that I created something, the challenge for me is staying consistent in my routines, my organization, my rituals, my language and my growth.

Staying consistent helps you measure the effectiveness of your actions, become motivated to work, keep a track record success, you become more relevant, makes you a leader.

If you’re wondering why you keep falling off track or wishing a 3 day weekend to be a thing… because it happens, we get overwhelmed so we avoid it or worse we burn because we work too hard… then you should understand that you need to:

  • Put your best effort at your peak performance times,
  • master your workflow and your environment, and
  • take care of your mind and body.

The important thing is getting real with your situation to be able to see growth and embrace that some days you will feel like shit and other days you will feel awesome, and that’s okay and normal.

If you are reading this and need a bit of guidance on the matter I may be able to guide you personally. Click here to start a conversation with me (Don’t worry, I won’t sell you anything).

And if you are at home, and you're sitting on your couch and you're watching this right now, all I have to say is that this is hard work. I've worked hard for a long time, and it's not about, you's not about winning. But what it's about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. There's a discipline for passion. And it's not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you're beaten up. It's about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going.

Lady GagaOscars Acceptance Speech (2019)

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