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My Tree – Grandma’s Story

By April 29, 2020March 5th, 2023#YayaStories
This story was originally written in Spanish by my maternal grandmother.


My tree

When I decided to plant my tree, I couldn’t imagine what a beautiful experience it would be. Day by day, I saw its changes.

In the tropics, where I live, there are only two seasons: summer and winter.

In January, when the rain stops, my tree very wisely drops its leaves one by one, until it leaves its branches uncovered to make sure it does not die from lack of water.

I used to protest because I had to sweep up all those dry leaves every day, and in April, when the first rains came, it would be loaded with new leaves again.

By May, my tree would be embellished with small pink flower clusters, then the seeds would form, and when it rained, my wall would be stained, because the seeds, when they sink, secrete a brown liquid which bothered me.

With the pruning shears, I would cut all the branches that brushed against my wall. My tree endured the punishment, and in exchange for so much cruelty, it blocked the sun, which in the afternoon became inclement; thus, it grew and became leafy, inviting many birds to nest in its branches, making me happy with their trills.

A garden canary came in and out of my house.

I also have some parakeets named Pery and Fey, their cage is tiny, they have been there for a long time, and seeing the attitude of the canary that enters and leaves freely, I ask myself what is worth more, freedom or security?

Because if it is true that the parakeets have lived quietly without having to worry about getting their food, their life is lonely, but the canary that has so much freedom, seeks its life and must defend itself from predators, not knowing where to find food.

I see that the canary approaches the parakeet’s cage, it pecks the seeds that fall near it. I do not know if it would like to exchange places with them. The birt did that for several days until I had another pet. He is a black and playful Labrador; we call him Nieto. When the canary saw the dog, he left. He knew what he was exposing himself to; living in freedom teaches us to be cautious.

But my tree remained in its place; it cannot be moved. With its attitude, it shows me that to be free it is necessary to accept the role that we have. My tree knows that he has an important and beautiful role in life, and that makes him go on.

– YdeR

Grandma’s painting of the tree

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