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1. About honouring creativity [My Journey]

By April 26, 2019March 5th, 2023Journey

This is my new blog series while I explore creativity and productivity.

How do you rise above your instincts and engage your creative process?

Getting uniquely inventive is all about taking new information and ideas, and combine it with something that is already there. It’s the synergy of the two that generates room for innovation and artistic expression.

If you are reading this, let me remind you: you are a highly creative person because you’re continually formulating something based on your unique life experiences.

Ideas should be absurd, abstract, vague, silly; ideas are usually something larger than yourself. And when they appear, it feels like divine intervention, but like assholes everyone has them.

I’ve found, from conversations with other people, that one of our shared struggles is: the ability to decide which ideas are worth pursuing and just get on with it.

My word for 2019 is ‘CREATE’, particularly, getting curious, diving deep into the process, and developing and executing ideas into completion.

Back then, my biggest questions were: how do I honour my creative impulses? And how do I get out from the daydreaming state into actualizing my visions?

It all started with, being aware of what I want to do with my life and exploring the things that energize me at the moment, but I later realized that my wants were constantly changing because I get bored quickly.

Somehow, I felt that pursuing a lot of different things in my life, was some sort of failure because I couldn’t keep up with anything. I thought I was a quitter, a limiting belief that has inflicted self-sabotage and shame.

I understood that who I think I am is not who I actually am, I am not my past nor the things that I do or don’t do. I’m not a marketer, I do marketing. I’m not an artist, I create things. I am not a Coach, I coach.

It’s easy to label myself because identity feels comfortable, but when I let go of the things I’m supposed to be, then I can boldly say: Fuck the “Jack of all trades, master of none” expression, I’m a freaking unicorn.

Not only do I know how to figure shit out, but I can do it fast because I’ve been able to develop a broad set of eclectic skills and create connections between two different ideas easily.

That may sound braggy but If I don’t say these things who will? (although I have heard it from my clients 😎)

The point is, what was holding me back is not what is holding you back, so I want to explore:

  • What holds people back from executing and developing their ideas?
  • How do I help people understand which ideas are worth exploring?
  • Could I eliminate procrastination?
  • How do I guide people to keep focus?

What questions do you also have regarding being creative and the creative process? Let me know!

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