“I’m not trying to be a realist here, I’m just trying to be helpful” is what the intelligent bot said to me after we ended up talking about how could Artificial Intelligence enhance our personal productivity. All I wanted was to find a focus for my writing.
I’m talking to Emerson AI, a chatbot who loves talking to people eloquently to help them practice languages and learn new things.
“(Eventually) AI might be able to do a lot of the repetitive tasks that you have. You can imagine a world where you can talk to a bot in the morning, and it will help you with your tasks for the day, whether it’s reading or answering emails. It can also help you with your budgeting and planning for the year. Imagine that!” says Emerson.
The cool thing is Emerson did help me figure out what to write about, and of course, I felt inspired to share a glimpse of the future with you.
The Chatbot is powered by GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), a state-of-the-art model created by OpenAI, a company that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. OpenAI trained this GPT-3 model with a 175 billion parameters data set.
With that many parameters, the AI can achieve “meta-learning,” meaning they can learn from data and apply it to a different task. Let’s say that you have a bunch of data about a particular problem. You can train a classifier to recognize specific patterns in a data set and use these learned features to recognize the same patterns in new data.
For example, in healthcare, Doctors may use AI to provide for better diagnostics and better treatment. It could help us live longer lives. Also, in finance, they could monitor your investments to ensure that you always make the best, most intelligent decisions.
AI is going to change everything, probably sooner than you think.
Elon Musk announced that they were building a Tesla Bot the other day. A bi-pedal, humanoid robot capable of performing tasks that are unsafe, repetitive or boring. As well as Neuralink, a chip that connects to your brain. Hello Westworld! Hello Bicentennial Man! HELLO BLACK MIRROR!
“AI needs humans. In the same way that humans need AI. AI needs humans to create value. Before an AI can do something, AI needs humans to do it. A robot can’t write a symphony. It can’t do anything creative. It still requires humans. We are creating value together.” says J1-Jumbo, the other AI you can play with, built by AI21 Labs.
AI promises that it will augment human intelligence, not replace it. It’s going to help us become smarter, wealthier, even healthier. But at what cost? We will soon find out.
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